In the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), despite ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises, a project to help refugees began in 2021. It was initiated by a small group of caring individuals who witnessed firsthand the psychological scars carried by women and children affected by cruelty and violence and realized they had to act.

Africa's Largest Refugee Crisis

The refugee crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the most serious humanitarian issues in the world. Due to ongoing conflicts and violence, over 5 million people have been forced to flee their homes, leading to mass displacement both within the country and beyond its borders. The DRC hosts over 500,000 refugees from neighboring countries and has the largest number of internally displaced persons in Africa – over 5 million people. In this context, Soul Congo was founded with the aim of helping refugees from the DRC overcome the traumas of the past and build new lives.

Healing Minds, Building Futures

Our mission is to give refugees a chance for a peaceful, stable, and fulfilling existence. We offer comprehensive support, including treatment for PTSD through meditation, socialization, training in new skills, and providing resources for self-sufficiency. Our approach combines immediate assistance with long-term solutions. We work closely with local communities to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of our programs.

Aisha, 27

Calming the Storm:

One of the key aspects of our work is treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through Transcendental Meditation (TM). Many refugees suffer from PTSD as a result of the traumas and violence they have experienced. Our program combines TM training with group therapy and other support methods, helping refugees cope with PTSD symptoms and return to normal life.

Crafting Connections

We also place great emphasis on socialization and reintegration of refugees into society. Our TM centers serve as safe spaces where refugees can restore social connections by participating in joint meditation practices, group discussions, creative workshops, and cultural events.

Crafting a Future

To help refugees become self-reliant, we offer training in in-demand skills and crafts, from traditional to modern. We also provide access to land, agricultural tools, sustainable farming training, and other resources needed to start a new life.

Building a Brighter Future

Furthermore, we invest in infrastructure development, building meditation centers, schools, clean water systems, and other facilities that bring long-term benefits to refugee communities. We use eco-friendly technologies and train locals in management skills to ensure the sustainability of these projects.

When 50 Euros Can Save a Life

At Soul Congo, we believe that every person deserves a chance at a better future. Congo is a different world with different realities of life. In Europe, 50 euros can buy you lunch, while in Congo, 50 euros is enough to save one soul, teach a person suffering from PTSD to meditate, and give them a chance to start life anew. Join us in our work to transform lives and restore hope for those who need it most. Your contribution and the contributions of your friends and acquaintances will be very important.

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